- A member of the Oath Keepers pleads guilty and will cooperate with prosecutors in the Jan. 6 riot inquiry. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/16/us/oathkeepers-plea-cooperate.html?referringsource=articleshare 40 comments politics
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- Biden Launches Climate Change Efforts - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/25/climate/biden-climate-change.html?amp%3B_hsenc=p2anqtz--ch-reykaj4l5sory8d_tdhasjahz6i6qdkmpiosidos4ujgmhou6aitytjww2f_gdam0rayekki-bqjmzyswxiswjvg&%3B_hsmi=108324171&%3Butm_content=108324171&%3Butm_medium=email&%3Butm_source=hs_email 31 comments
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- Oath Keepers Founder Is Said to Be Investigated in Capitol Riot - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/10/us/politics/stewart-rhodes-oath-keepers-capitol-riot.html 12 comments
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