- In North Korea, No One Can Take the Leader’s Name, in Vain or Otherwise http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/04/world/asia/kim-jong-un-north-korea-name-ban.html?smid=re-share 7 comments worldnews
- North Korea Bans Name ‘Jong-un’ for All but Leader: South Korean government officials said on Wednesday that North Korea had banned parents from giving their newborns the same name as the top leader. People who already have the name have been ordered to register with new ones http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/04/world/asia/kim-jong-un-north-korea-name-ban.html 117 comments worldnews
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- North Korea Says Leader’s Uncle Was Executed as a Traitor - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/13/world/asia/north-korea-says-uncle-of-executed.html?src=se 14 comments
- Kim Jong-il, North Korean Dictator, Dies - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/19/world/asia/kim-jong-il-is-dead.html?_r=1&hp= 1 comment
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