- Obama to Raise Minimum Wage Under Federal Contractors: The executive order, which President Obama will highlight in his State of the Union address, is meant to underscore that he is willing to bypass Congress to make progress on his agenda. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/29/us/politics/obama-state-of-the-union.html?smid=re-share 7 comments politics
- Obama to sign an executive order requiring janitors, construction workers and others working for federal contractors be paid at least $10.10 an hour http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/29/us/politics/obama-state-of-the-union.html 2514 comments politics
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- Chicago Will Host 2024 Democratic Convention as Party Returns to Midwest - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/11/us/politics/chicago-2024-democratic-convention.html?unlocked_article_code=Fk9p9LzQW0GORRashqR3qkimwczmT1mZ2nw-eyVm0BQ0iAuJZwuXUBWutPNKAmMuZbY4mr_gi9Ph14kUHfcxRl9lRDfmPLc-vZjQgijSaUlYOvtNS654AH-SIXuzu1PA75oBRy-SppS0Rkm4OV2p8i9fkV_5HKfNhfYmvugSadO2KEOHziu1qnJY8tUCvnbbBexwRkIR44v6b9yQCNbZZMVw_eUktDK-GQXmpPLmDxM6cdnAG1230pJD6OQ5HVHtRCUjkNvQv2o8fasJFf4vQIAs-A1SLYbgGUolFdskRmDg7DnJJqoKi7Hgz3Syv6GstSBuzJc1SfW3ufOfcGdaqvog8wb2XzfTFxMzG4XnXDs 69 comments
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