- NY Times on Stand-Up Desks; includes photo of woman with terrible posture. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/02/business/stand-up-desks-gaining-favor-in-the-workplace.html 18 comments technology
- Stand-Up Desks Gaining Favor in the Workplace. As more research finds health hazards in sitting for prolonged periods, more manufacturers are offering desks that let workers stand, or even walk, while toiling at the keyboard. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/02/business/stand-up-desks-gaining-favor-in-the-workplace.html 804 comments science
Linking pages
- The huge hidden downside to standing desks — Quartz http://qz.com/272350/theres-a-huge-hidden-downside-to-standing-desks-that-no-one-told-me-about-2/ 0 comments
- My life with a treadmill desk -- e-mail and browsing at 2 mph - CNET http://news.cnet.com/8301-33620_3-57611346-278/my-life-with-a-treadmill-desk-e-mail-and-browsing-at-2-mph/ 0 comments
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