Hacker News
- A seafood firm wants to farm octopus. Activists say they're too smart for that https://www.npr.org/2024/02/07/1229233837/octopus-farm-spain-controversy 204 comments
- A seafood firm wants to farm octopus. Activists say they're too smart for that https://www.npr.org/2024/02/07/1229233837/octopus-farm-spain-controversy 94 comments nature
Linking pages
- Octopuses and their relatives are a new animal welfare frontier − here’s what scientists know about consciousness in these unique creatures https://theconversation.com/octopuses-and-their-relatives-are-a-new-animal-welfare-frontier-heres-what-scientists-know-about-consciousness-in-these-unique-creatures-241978 0 comments
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