- Exception hierarchy? https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#exception-handling-exception-hierarchy 4 comments nim
- How exactly do for loop macros replace list comprehensions? https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#macros-for-loop-macro 3 comments nim
Linking pages
- Why I Use Nim Instead of Python for Data Processing · Benjamin D. Lee https://benjamindlee.com/posts/2021/why-i-use-nim-instead-of-python-for-data-processing/ 324 comments
- bkernel: a Rust Operating System http://www.alexeyshmalko.com/2015/bkernel-a-rust-operating-system/ 55 comments
- GitHub - byt3bl33d3r/OffensiveNim: My experiments in weaponizing Nim (https://nim-lang.org/) https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/OffensiveNim 26 comments
- Language Design: Stop Using `<>` for Generics https://soc.me/languages/stop-using-angle-brackets-for-generics.html 18 comments
- Easy Type-Safe Integer Types In C++ [Thought Palace] https://jens.mooseyard.com/2021/09/16/easy-type-safe-integer-types-in-c-/ 10 comments
- 16BPP.net: Blog / Ray Tracing Book Series Review & Nim First Impressions https://16bpp.net/blog/post/ray-tracing-book-series-review-nim-first-impressions 9 comments
- GitHub - nimterop/nimterop: Nimterop is a Nim package that aims to make C/C++ interop seamless https://github.com/nimterop/nimterop 8 comments
- GitHub - bluenote10/NimData: DataFrame API written in Nim, enabling fast out-of-core data processing https://github.com/bluenote10/NimData 7 comments
- GitHub - andreaferretti/alea: Define and compose random variables https://github.com/unicredit/alea 6 comments
- GitHub - timotheecour/D_vs_nim: comparison of D vs nim https://github.com/timotheecour/D_vs_nim 6 comments
- Poop Sweeper - gecko's site https://exelo.tl/poopsweeper.html 5 comments
- Metaprogramming Overview and Classification https://dic.dzinko.org/metaprogramming-overview-classification 4 comments
- GitHub - juancarlospaco/nim-contra: Lightweight Self-Documenting Design by Contract Programming and Security Hardened mode. https://github.com/juancarlospaco/nim-contra#contra 3 comments
- Infra Weekly #7 - by Riccardo Tacconi https://infraweekly.substack.com/p/infra-weekly-7 2 comments
- 16BPP.net: Hot Loading Code in Nim https://16bpp.net/page/hot-loading-code-in-nim 2 comments
- GitHub - zero-functional/zero-functional: A library providing zero-cost chaining for functional abstractions in Nim. https://github.com/alehander42/zero-functional 2 comments
- GitHub - piotrklibert/nimiTCL: A little (< 300 loc), incomplete TCL interpreter https://github.com/piotrklibert/nimiTCL 1 comment
- GitHub - zero-functional/zero-functional: A library providing zero-cost chaining for functional abstractions in Nim. https://github.com/zero-functional/zero-functional 1 comment
- You should give Nim a try. Nim is a strongly-typed… | by Matt Haggard | Medium https://medium.com/@iffy/you-should-give-nim-a-try-54bdff840c1c 0 comments
- JS Monkey-Patching with Symbol (Chill Patching) | by Max Heiber | Medium https://medium.com/@maxheiber/safe-monkey-patching-with-es2015-symbol-e36fb01ab794#.f2xxapct8 0 comments
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