Hacker News
- Next.js 15 and Turbopack Dev (Stable) https://nextjs.org/blog/next-15 2 comments reactjs
- Next.js 15 https://nextjs.org/blog/next-15 5 comments webdev
Linking pages
- This Week In React #206: Next.js, Compiler, DevTools, State Of React, nuqs, Chakra UI, Remix, shadcn/ui, Turbopack, Microfrontends, Fumadocs, NewArch, react-native-mmkv, whip-whep, Svelte, Hono... | This Week In React https://thisweekinreact.com/newsletter/206 8 comments
- Generative AI in JavaScript? Microsoft GenAIScript, Svelte 5, Next.js 15 and more - Week #6 https://thisweekinjavascript.com/p/generative-ai-in-javascript-microsoft 1 comment
Linked pages
- Vercel: Build and deploy the best web experiences with the Frontend Cloud https://vercel.com 139 comments
- React Compiler – React https://react.dev/learn/react-compiler 88 comments
- OpenTelemetry https://opentelemetry.io/ 75 comments
- ESLint v9.0.0 released - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter https://eslint.org/blog/2024/04/eslint-v9.0.0-released/ 47 comments
- v0 by Vercel https://v0.dev 40 comments
- Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework https://nextjs.org/ 36 comments
- Application Performance Monitoring & Error Tracking Software | Sentry https://sentry.io 36 comments
- Fetch API - Web APIs | MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API 8 comments
- Server Actions – React https://react.dev/reference/rsc/server-actions 4 comments
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