- NY Fed Household 2024 Q4 Debt and Credit report out today https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc 7 comments economics
- NYFED Q2 Household Debt and Credit Report https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc 4 comments economics
- Household Debt Climbs to $17.69 Trillion in First Quarter; Delinquency Rates Rise Again https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc 2 comments economy
- Household Debt and Credit Report https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc 10 comments economics
Linking pages
- Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump 3978 comments
- Why Americans' 'YOLO' spending spree baffles economists - BBC Worklife https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20231130-why-americans-yolo-spending-attitude-baffles-economists 1507 comments
- Opinion | Americans Believe the Economy Is Rigged Against Them - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/21/opinion/economy-research-greed-profit.html 1157 comments
- Americans are drowning in credit card debt thanks to inflation and soaring interest rates https://finance.yahoo.com/news/americans-drowning-credit-card-debt-160830027.html 836 comments
- Rising delinquencies offer economic warning signs https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rising-delinquencies-offer-economic-warning-signs-153350355.html 804 comments
- How 33-Year-Olds, the Peak Millennials, Are Shaping the U.S. Economy - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/02/business/economy/33-year-olds-millennials.html 372 comments
- To Avoid an Economic Recession, Consumer Spending Is Key - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/07/business/economy/recession-consumer-spending.html 345 comments
- Trump’s most enduring legacy could be the historic rise in the national debt - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/01/14/trump-legacy-national-debt-increasee/ 342 comments
- Consumer spending: Gen Z, Millennials are scrimping. Boomers are living it up | CNN Business https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/12/economy/consumer-spending-baby-boomers-millennials/index.html 313 comments
- Much of the $1.8 trillion in student debt won’t ever be repaid, nonpartisan research organization says. ‘The government is poised to take a bath on its student loan portfolio’ https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/much-1-8-trillion-student-135856670.html 292 comments
- U.S. Student Debt In ‘Serious Delinquency’ Tops $166 Billion https://www.bloombergquint.com/business/u-s-student-debt-in-serious-delinquency-tops-166-billion 272 comments
- Two Senators Want to Cap Credit-Card Rates at 10%. Banks Say That Would Cut Credit Access https://www.investopedia.com/senators-want-to-cap-credit-card-rates-banks-say-that-would-cut-credit-access-8789598 260 comments
- A Holiday Season Divided by Inflation and Economic Struggles - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/25/business/economy/economy-holiday-season.html?referringSource=articleShare&smid=nytcore-ios-share 217 comments
- U.S. consumer debt jumps as credit card interest rates surge, Fed report shows https://finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/u-consumer-debt-jumps-credit-200234769.html 205 comments
- ‘This is the angriest I've ever been’: 24-year-old astrologer lost $440,000 by day trading crypto and now lives on credit card debt. Caleb Hammer responds https://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/angriest-ive-ever-24-old-121300556.html 171 comments
- ‘This is the angriest I've ever been’: 24-year-old astrologer lost $440,000 by day trading crypto and now lives on credit card debt. Caleb Hammer responds https://finance.yahoo.com/news/angriest-ive-ever-24-old-121300556.html 153 comments
- The New York Fed just reported that credit card, auto loan delinquency rates are now higher than before the pandemic — will things get worse before they get better as student loans come due? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/york-fed-just-reported-credit-130000532.html 142 comments
- Credit card debt hits a record high at $1 trillion, NY Fed says https://finance.yahoo.com/news/credit-card-debt-hits-a-record-high-at-1-trillion-ny-fed-says-154553638.html 134 comments
- Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump?amp%3Butm_medium=social#1041686 131 comments
- Inflation woes: Home buyers need 80% more income to buy than 4 years ago - Washington Examiner https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2922240/inflation-woes-home-buyers-need-80-more-income-to-buy-than-4-years-ago/ 94 comments
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