Hacker News
- UFOs invading military airspace multiple times a month, but public won't be told https://www.newsweek.com/ufo-sightings-2019-us-military-tic-tac-pentagon-navy-unidentified-aerial-1412272 320 comments
- UFOs invading military airspace multiple times a month, seen by hundreds, will remain out of the public eye https://www.newsweek.com/ufo-sightings-2019-us-military-tic-tac-pentagon-navy-unidentified-aerial-1412272 41 comments politics
- UFOs invading military airspace multiple times a month, seen by hundreds, will remain out of the public eye https://www.newsweek.com/ufo-sightings-2019-us-military-tic-tac-pentagon-navy-unidentified-aerial-1412272 22 comments worldnews
- UFOs invading military airspace multiple times a month, seen by hundreds, will remain out of the public eye https://www.newsweek.com/ufo-sightings-2019-us-military-tic-tac-pentagon-navy-unidentified-aerial-1412272 75 comments worldnews
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