- "Our elders are precious and have a great deal to offer. Sadly, this pandemic has exposed the lack of respect our market-obsessed society has for people in old age" -Vittorio Bufacchi (UCC) on Cicero and the value of old age. https://www.newstatesman.com/international/2020/05/coronavirus-old-age-over-60s-risk-care-homes-herd-immunity-deaths 494 comments philosophy
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- No 10 denies claim Dominic Cummings argued to 'let old people die' | Dominic Cummings | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/mar/22/no-10-denies-claim-dominic-cummings-argued-to-let-old-people-die 24 comments
- New Statesman | Britain's Current Affairs & Politics Magazine http://newstatesman.com 0 comments
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