- Those who are wealthier are more likely to say they earned their success, past surveys show. A new study (n=996) suggests winners are more likely than losers to credit their success to skill rather than luck, even when the odds are blatantly rigged in their favour, and little skill is involved. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2210263-lifes-winners-think-success-was-earned-even-if-it-was-down-to-luck/ 5 comments science
- Those who are wealthier are more likely to say they earned their success, past surveys show. A new study (n=996) suggests winners are more likely than losers to credit their success to skill rather than luck, even when the odds are blatantly rigged in their favour, and little skill is involved. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2210263-lifes-winners-think-success-was-earned-even-if-it-was-down-to-luck/ 1653 comments science
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