- House nearly devolves into a brawl during the objection to Pennsylvania electors https://news.yahoo.com/house-nearly-devolves-brawl-during-081955883.html 43 comments politics
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- Maryland governor said he was repeatedly denied authorization to send National Guard to D.C. | The Week https://theweek.com/speedreads/959671/maryland-governor-said-repeatedly-denied-authorization-send-national-guard-dc 3849 comments
- Washington Times corrects widely cited story claiming 'antifa' infiltrated Capitol siege, says 'neo-Nazis' ID'd | The Week https://theweek.com/speedreads/959681/washington-times-corrects-widely-cited-story-claiming-antifa-infiltrated-capitol-siege-says-neonazis-idd 17 comments
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