- MIT: "Computers that power self-driving cars could be a huge driver of global carbon emissions" https://news.mit.edu/2023/autonomous-vehicles-carbon-emissions-0113 8 comments hardware
- Computers that power self-driving cars could be a huge driver of global carbon emissions: Study shows that if autonomous vehicles are widely adopted, hardware efficiency will need to advance rapidly to keep computing-related emissions in check https://news.mit.edu/2023/autonomous-vehicles-carbon-emissions-0113 12 comments science
Linking pages
- Uber failed to help cities go green — will robotaxis, too? - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/23948675/uber-lyft-cruise-robotaxi-pollution-autonomous-vehicles 3 comments
- AI Chatbots, Ex-SpaceX Scientist Making Vegan Cheeses, and MIT OCW - Issue #2 https://deeptechvc.substack.com/p/ai-chatbots-ex-spacex-scientist-making 1 comment