- MIT engineers test an idea for a new hovering rover https://news.mit.edu/2021/moon-hovering-rover-1221 5 comments technology
- New concept for a hovering rover that levitates by harnessing the moon’s natural charge - an electric field through direct exposure to the sun and surrounding plasma. On the moon, this surface charge is strong enough to levitate dust more than 1 meter above the ground. https://news.mit.edu/2021/moon-hovering-rover-1221 5 comments space
- New concept for a hovering rover that levitates by harnessing the moon’s natural charge - an electric field through direct exposure to the sun and surrounding plasma. On the moon, this surface charge is strong enough to levitate dust more than 1 meter above the ground. https://news.mit.edu/2021/moon-hovering-rover-1221 4 comments science
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