- Why on Earth Are We Still Building Aircraft Carriers? | They’re antiquated and susceptible to attack. But they employ a lot of people in a lot of congressional districts. https://newrepublic.com/article/172482/why-america-still-building-aircraft-carriers 133 comments politics
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- China's Military Has Surpassed US in Ships, Missiles and Air Defense, DoD Report Finds | Military.com https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/09/01/chinas-military-has-surpassed-us-ships-missiles-and-air-defense-dod-report-finds.html 114 comments
- China has carrier-killer missile, U.S. admiral says - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/dec/27/china-deploying-carrier-sinking-ballistic-missile/ 31 comments
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