- When New Right leaders promise a return to the strong welfare state of the past, they do so under the condition that it be ethnically and racially bounded.With this modification, they enforce a range of patriarchal, racist, and homophobic values that draw on noble ideals of purity and national honor https://newrepublic.com/article/147102/opportunistic-rise-europes-far-right 4 comments europes
- The Opportunistic Rise of Europe’s Far Right https://newrepublic.com/article/147102/opportunistic-rise-europes-far-right 8 comments europe
Linked pages
- Opinion | I watched a populist leader rise in my country. That’s why I’m genuinely worried for America. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/i-watched-a-populist-leader-rise-in-my-country-and-that-is-why-i-am-genuinely-worried-for-america/2016/12/27/6b4cf632-cc65-11e6-b8a2-8c2a61b0436f_story.html 469 comments
- Estimated 15,000 people join ‘pinstriped Nazis’ on march in Dresden | Germany | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/15/dresden-police-pegida-germany-far-right 16 comments
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