Hacker News
- Architecture decisions in Neon, a serverless Postgres service https://neon.tech/blog/architecture-decisions-in-neon 16 comments
- Architecture Decisions in Neon https://neon.tech/blog/architecture-decisions-in-neon/ 7 comments
Linking pages
- GitHub - neondatabase/neon: Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, code-like database branching, and scale to zero. https://github.com/neondatabase/neon 112 comments
- Why does Neon use Paxos instead of Raft, and what's the difference? - Neon https://neon.tech/blog/paxos/ 45 comments
- Zero Disk Architecture - blag https://avi.im/blag/2024/zero-disk-architecture/ 23 comments
- Scaling serverless Postgres: How we implement autoscaling - Neon https://neon.tech/blog/postgres-autoscaling 9 comments
- Disaggregated Storage - a brief introduction - blag https://avi.im/blag/2024/disaggregated-storage/ 6 comments
- Deep Dive into Neon storage engine - Neon https://neon.tech/blog/get-page-at-lsn 5 comments
- Databases Are Falling Apart: Database Disassembly and Its Implications https://materializedview.io/p/databases-are-falling-apart 3 comments
- Announcing Autoscaling for Postgres - Neon https://neon.tech/blog/scaling-serverless-postgres 1 comment
- PostgreSQL Extensions or Protocols: Architecture Roulette https://materializedview.io/p/postgresql-extensions-or-protocols 1 comment
- Adding PostgreSQL 15 support to Neon Storage using Rust - Neon https://neon.tech/blog/how-we-added-support-for-postgresql-v15-in-neon/ 0 comments
- GitHub - neondatabase/neon: Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, branching, and bottomless storage. https://github.com/zenithdb/zenith 0 comments
- PG Phriday: Redefining Postgres High Availability - BonesMoses.org https://bonesmoses.org/2024/pg-phriday-redefining-postgres-high-availability/ 0 comments
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