Hacker News
- The Evolution of Trust https://ncase.me/trust/ 0 comments
- The Evolution of Trust (2017) https://ncase.me/trust/ 3 comments
- Interactive introduction to game theory and trust https://ncase.me/trust/ 62 comments
- The Evolution of Trust (2017) https://ncase.me/trust/ 3 comments
- The Evolution of Trust http://ncase.me/trust/ 73 comments
- Applying GTO to these cheating scandals. You need about 20 mins to complete this. Thoughts? https://ncase.me/trust/ 2 comments poker
- In order to build a world that we want to live in, we need to react well to people that attack us. “The Evolution of Trust” interactive presentation is very relevant to this community, especially this week. https://ncase.me/trust/ 4 comments privacy
- Friendly reminder to try out the trust game. If it doesn't blow your mind I'll send you 0.01 BCH (Rules comments) https://ncase.me/trust/ 338 comments btc
- Freindly reminder to try out the trust game. If it doesn't blow your mind I'll send you 0.01 BCH https://ncase.me/trust/ 91 comments btc
- "The Evolution of Trust" a game theoretically sound strategy for cooperation among peers. https://ncase.me/trust/ 22 comments btc
- How game theory may explain a distrust within a society https://ncase.me/trust/ 19 comments math
- The circle of trust can be seen as a massive Game Theory experiment. To those who want to understand Game Theory better, here is an incredible interactive demonstration. http://ncase.me/trust 140 comments philosophy
- The Evolution of Trust, an interesting (and counterintuitive) illustration of game theory http://ncase.me/trust/ 4 comments poker
- The Evolution of Trust http://ncase.me/trust/ 34 comments gamedev
- An interactive guide to the game theory of cooperation http://ncase.me/trust/ 3 comments artificial
- The Evolution of Trust - Interactive game regarding cooperation and game theory. http://ncase.me/trust/ 4 comments math
- The Evolution of Trust http://ncase.me/trust/ 18 comments compsci
- Game theory and the Golden Rule (x-post from r/philosophy). Not strictly Europe-related, but I want to share this with everyone. http://ncase.me/trust/ 3 comments europe
- Game theory and the Golden Rule http://ncase.me/trust 1731 comments philosophy
- The Evolution of Trust http://ncase.me/trust/ 13 comments web_design
- This game is an intro on the history of trust, and game theory. Great for understanding the challenges of distributed consensus http://ncase.me/trust/ 6 comments ethereum
Linking pages
- Our "No Asshole" Policy — Permanent Equity http://www.adventur.es/adventures-blog/2014/12/22/no-asshole-rule 115 comments
- How "Generous Tit for Tat" wins at life - Trying Truly https://tryingtruly.substack.com/p/how-generous-tit-for-tat-wins-at-life 107 comments
- GitHub - notpresident35/awesome-learn-gamedev: A curated collection of game development learning resources https://github.com/notpresident35/The-Gamedev-Resource-Mega-List 90 comments
- GitHub - jpantunes/awesome-cryptoeconomics: An awesome curated list of Cryptoeconomic research and learning materials https://github.com/jpantunes/awesome-cryptoeconomics 9 comments
- “Trustless” is a Myth. Here's why trust matters. – cowpig's corner http://cowpig.github.io/bitcoin/ethereum/poker/cryptocurrency/trust/economics/game-theory/2018/01/29/Trustless-Myth/ 8 comments
- Rent, Deposits, and the failure of the repeated game https://hrishioa.github.io/rent,-deposits,-and-the-failure-of-the-repeated-game/ 2 comments
- An upward spiral – how small acts of kindness and connection really can change the world, according to psychology research https://theconversation.com/an-upward-spiral-how-small-acts-of-kindness-and-connection-really-can-change-the-world-according-to-psychology-research-237426 1 comment
- GitHub - notpresident35/awesome-learn-gamedev: A curated collection of game development learning resources https://github.com/notpresident35/learn-awesome-gamedev 0 comments
- The Most Impressive Interactive Data Visualization You'll Find Online https://wpdatatables.com/interactive-data-visualization/ 0 comments
- History of the Capital AI & Market Failures in the Attention Economy — Andrew Kortina https://kortina.nyc/essays/market-failures-in-the-attention-economy/ 0 comments
- The Dark Side Of a Galaxy Far Far Away | by Kevin Richard | Medium https://kvrichard.medium.com/the-dark-side-of-a-galaxy-far-far-away-a663ca6bac38 0 comments
- The Nakazawa Management Starter Pack | Christoph Nakazawa https://cpojer.net/posts/the-nakazawa-management-starter-pack 0 comments
- Friday Finds Links - David Perell https://www.perell.com/friday-finds-links 0 comments
- Evolution of Cooperation https://www.gaptry.com/archive/evolution-of-cooperation/ 0 comments
- GitHub - swapagarwal/awesome-eli5: 👶 Technical concepts explained in layman terms! git.io/eli5 https://github.com/swapagarwal/awesome-eli5 0 comments
- The Best Finance Books To Read: Educate Yourself Without a Degree https://taylorpearson.me/bookreview/best-finance-books/ 0 comments
- The Evolution of Trust is a cute explain-o-game about cooperation | Rock Paper Shotgun https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/07/30/the-evolution-of-trust-is-a-cute-explain-o-game-about-cooperation/ 0 comments
- GitHub - Spacial/awesome-csirt: Awesome CSIRT is an curated list of links and resources in security and CSIRT daily activities. https://github.com/Spacial/csirt 0 comments
- Mental Health Tips feat. Anxiety Wolf https://ncase.me/mental-health/ 0 comments
- Game Theory in Video Games Explained (Essential Tips for New Designers) https://www.gamedesigning.org/learn/game-theory/ 0 comments
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