- Stormy Daniels, Trump and the power of telling the truth https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/stormy-daniels-trump-power-telling-truth-ncna903391 3 comments politics
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- Trump family's massive tax con job has been hiding in plain sight for years. And it could cost them millions. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-family-s-massive-tax-con-job-has-been-hiding-ncna917146 273 comments
- Mike Pence's stay at Trump's Doonbeg resort should be investigated — not Stormy Daniels https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/democrats-must-investigate-mike-pence-s-stay-trump-s-doonbeg-ncna1049831 117 comments
- Trump's worst week ever? From Mueller and Michael Cohen to Bush's funeral, the past seven days were disastrous https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-s-worst-week-ever-mueller-michael-cohen-bush-s-ncna945731 5 comments
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- Michael Cohen pleads guilty, says he paid hush money at Trump's direction https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/ex-trump-lawyer-michael-cohen-discussing-plea-deal-prosecutors-n902571 1144 comments
- Michael Avenatti is using Trump tactics to battle Trump, a strategy that comes with risks - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/michael-avenatti-is-using-trump-tactics-to-battle-trump-some-say-that-may-hurt-his-client-stormy-daniels/2018/05/14/6ea957b2-553a-11e8-a551-5b648abe29ef_story.html 12 comments
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