- Broken Boeing airplanes are going to the military thanks to corruption and bad decisions — It's scandalous that Boeing was forgiven so many past screw-ups that now the Air Force has to beg it to fix the dysfunctional planes the company's delivering. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/broken-boeing-airplanes-are-going-military-thanks-corruption-bad-decisions-ncna1153671 3 comments politics
- Broken Boeing airplanes are going to the military thanks to corruption and bad decisions. It's scandalous that Boeing was forgiven so many past screw-ups that now the Air Force has to beg it to fix the dysfunctional planes the company's delivering. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/broken-boeing-airplanes-are-going-military-thanks-corruption-bad-decisions-ncna1153671/ 14 comments politics
Linking pages
- Israel’s Wish List: Here’s The $8 Billion In U.S. Weapons It Wants To Buy https://www.forbes.com/sites/sebastienroblin/2020/09/18/on-heels-of-accord-with-bahrain-and-uae-israel-seeks-8-billion-in-us-weapons/#4a206ad018cf 9 comments
- Fighting coronavirus: U.S. military could help more if Trump wasn't commander in chief https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/fighting-coronavirus-u-s-military-could-help-more-if-trump-ncna1167976 8 comments
Linked pages
- Iran plane crash likely caused by violations of international law — by both Tehran and Trump https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/iran-plane-crash-likely-caused-violations-international-law-both-tehran-ncna1113646 1251 comments
- Trump tweeted planes like the Boeing 737 Max are becoming 'too complex to fly.' The truth is more nuanced. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-tweeted-planes-boeing-737-max-are-becoming-too-complex-ncna982821 23 comments
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