- Buried in fine print: Ryan to make changes so younger people will pay for baby boomers (AKA what happens when your demographic doesn't vote) http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/ryan-shown-no-evidence-any-americans-colluded-russia-during-campaign-n726691 74 comments politics
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- Ryan stresses ‘no evidence of collusion’ with Russia a day after saying no evidence of spying on Trump - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/ryan-stresses-no-evidence-of-collusion-with-russia-a-day-after-saying-no-evidence-of-spying-on-trump/2018/06/07/ad130bb8-6a6d-11e8-9e38-24e693b38637_story.html?amp%3Btid=sm_tw 51 comments
- Ryan stresses ‘no evidence of collusion’ with Russia a day after saying no evidence of spying on Trump - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/06/07/speaker-ryan-says-no-evidence-of-collusion-between-trump-campaign-and-russia-a-day-after-he-dismissed-presidents-spy-assertions/ 35 comments
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