Hacker News
- Google tracking a bike ride past a burglarized home made the rider a suspect https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 394 comments
- Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 9 comments privacy
- Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 4 comments technology
- Look out for the tracking apps https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 4 comments bicycling
- Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 1972 comments nottheonion
- Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 7 comments law
- Man under investigation after GPS data places him at crime scene. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 6 comments bicycling
- Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 5 comments worldnews
- Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 16 comments degoogle
- Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 2173 comments technology
- Google tracked his bike ride past a burglarized home. That made him a suspect. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/google-tracked-his-bike-ride-past-burglarized-home-made-him-n1151761 243 comments privacy
Linking pages
- The new warrant: how US police mine Google for your location and search history | US policing | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/16/geofence-warrants-reverse-search-warrants-police-google 362 comments
- Google says geofence warrants make up one-quarter of all US demands • TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2021/08/19/google-geofence-warrants/ 268 comments
- US authorities can see more than ever, with Big Tech as their eyes | Proton https://proton.me/blog/big-tech-data-requests-surge 174 comments
- Minneapolis police tapped Google to identify George Floyd protesters • TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2021/02/06/minneapolis-protests-geofence-warrant/ 46 comments
- New Federal Court Rulings Find Geofence Warrants Unconstitutional | Electronic Frontier Foundation https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/08/new-federal-court-rulings-find-geofence-warrants-unconstitutional-0 45 comments
- Police love Google’s surveillance data. Here’s how to protect yourself. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/10/24/google-privacy-police-geofence/ 31 comments
- How companies are using your data against you — CupWire https://www.cupwire.com/data-abuse/ 30 comments
- Google Dragnets Harvested Phone Data Across 13 Kenosha Protest Acts Of Arson https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2021/08/31/google-dragnets-on-phone-data-across-13-kenosha-protest-arsons/ 18 comments
- If You're Close to the Scene of a Crime, Police Can Demand Your Data https://themindunleashed.com/2020/03/if-youre-close-to-the-scene-of-a-crime-police-can-demand-google-hand-over-your-data.html 18 comments
- Political groups use “deeply spooky” protester location data, report finds | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/06/political-groups-use-deeply-spooky-protester-location-data-report-finds/ 12 comments
- Google Geofence Warrants Endanger Privacy—Judges Now See The Threat https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2021/06/15/google-geofence-warrants-endanger-privacy-judges-now-see-the-threat/ 10 comments
- Dems urge Google to limit location tracking https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/25/lawmakers-google-location-tracking-abortion/ 6 comments
- My phone isn't as smart as yours | kyrofa's blog https://kyrofa.com/posts/my-phone-isn-t-as-smart-as-yours/ 5 comments
- Geofence warrants help police find suspects using Google. A ruling could curb their use. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/geofence-warrants-help-police-find-suspects-using-google-ruling-could-n1291098 4 comments
- Google location data turned a random biker into a burglary suspect - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/7/21169533/florida-google-runkeeper-geofence-police-privacy 3 comments
- Effort to curb police use of Google data stalls in California - Los Angeles Times https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2023-07-24/police-google-data-geofence-warrants-california-lawmakers-abortion-legislation 3 comments
- 'Reverse' searches: The sneaky ways that police tap tech companies for your private data | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/02/reverse-searches-police-tap-tech-companies-private-data/ 2 comments
- Google Dragnets Gave Cops Data On Phones Located At Kenosha Riot Arsons https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2021/08/26/google-gave-feds-data-on-phones-located-at-kenosha-riot-arsons/ 0 comments
- She didn't know her kidnapper. But he was using Google Maps — and that cracked the case. https://www.yahoo.com/now/she-didnt-know-her-kidnapper-171200579.html 0 comments
- Caught in the Crosshairs? How Geofence Warrants Turn Innocent People into Suspects | Path to Liberty Podcast from Tenth Amendment Center https://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2024/05/caught-in-the-crosshairs-how-geofence-warrants-turn-innocent-people-into-suspects/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- How did the police know you were near a crime scene? Google told them | MPR News https://www.mprnews.org/story/2019/02/07/google-location-police-search-warrants 518 comments
- Tracking Phones, Google Is a Dragnet for the Police - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/13/us/google-location-tracking-police.html 346 comments
- Google Hands Feds 1,500 Phone Locations In Unprecedented ‘Geofence’ Search https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2019/12/11/google-gives-feds-1500-leads-to-arsonist-smartphones-in-unprecedented-geofence-search 338 comments
- Give up your password or go to jail: Police push legal boundaries to get into cellphones https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/give-your-password-or-go-jail-police-push-legal-boundaries-n1014266 245 comments
- Feds Order Google To Hand Over A Load Of Innocent Americans' Locations https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2018/10/23/feds-are-ordering-google-to-hand-over-a-load-of-innocent-peoples-locations/#2e8fb9335a0d 207 comments
- Avondale Man Sues After Google Data Leads to Wrongful Arrest for Murder | Phoenix New Times https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/google-geofence-location-data-avondale-wrongful-arrest-molina-gaeta-11426374 84 comments
- FBI seeks Apple's help unlocking phones of suspected Pensacola naval station gunman https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-seeks-apple-s-help-unlocking-phones-suspected-pensacola-naval-n1111636 32 comments
- How Police Used Antifa to Investigate Far-Right Proud Boys - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/08/nyregion/proud-boys-antifa-trial.html#click=https://t.co/snvne3cvry 6 comments
- Police used Google location data to find an accused bank robber. He says that's illegal. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-used-google-location-data-find-accused-bank-robber-he-n1086836 5 comments
- Scene of a crime? Raleigh police searched Google accounts as part of downtown fire probe http://www.wral.com/scene-of-a-crime-raleigh-police-search-google-accounts-as-part-of-downtown-fire-probe/17340984/ 0 comments
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