- Here's How the Road to Iraq Is Repeating Itself with Iran http://nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/heres-how-road-iraq-repeating-itself-iran-25097 12 comments politics
- Here's How the Road to Iraq Is Repeating Itself with Iran http://nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/heres-how-road-iraq-repeating-itself-iran-25097 106 comments geopolitics
- Here's How the Road to Iraq Is Repeating Itself with Iran http://nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/heres-how-road-iraq-repeating-itself-iran-25097 8 comments worldnews
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- How 2 Gulf Monarchies Sought to Influence the White House - The New York Times https://nytimes.com/2018/03/21/us/politics/george-nader-elliott-broidy-uae-saudi-arabia-white-house-influence.html?referer=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F4xxbkellui%3Famp%3D1#click=https://t.co/4xxbkellui 78 comments
- How Saudi Arabia captured Washington - Vox http://www.vox.com/2016/3/21/11275354/saudi-arabia-gulf-washington 24 comments
- Emails reveal secret lobbying effort to alter U.S. policy in Middle East – Chicago Tribune http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-trump-saudi-uae-princes-20180521-story.html 13 comments
- Foreign Powers Buy Influence at Think Tanks - The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/07/us/politics/foreign-powers-buy-influence-at-think-tanks.html?amp%3B_r=0&smid=tw-share 10 comments
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