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- The game theory of the Republican speakership crisis https://www.natesilver.net/p/the-game-theory-of-the-republican 71 comments
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- 'Cleaning the barn,' John Boehner dumps on GOP renegades - Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/opinion/topoftheticket/la-na-tt-cleaning-the-barn-boehner-20151027-story.html 888 comments
- House GOP stunner: Spending patch passes with mostly Dem votes - Live Updates - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2023/09/30/congress/stopgap-passes-00119280 742 comments
- Republicans angry over McCarthy debt deal block gas stove bills https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/conservatives-block-bills-protect-gas-stove-feud-mccarthy-debt-deal-rcna87982 371 comments
- GOP defense budget’s abortion, diversity limits draw Biden veto threat https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2023/09/11/gop-defense-budgets-abortion-diversity-limits-draw-biden-veto-threat/ 322 comments
- Jim Jordan's allies tried strong-arming his GOP critics. It backfired. - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/17/conservative-pressure-jordan-speaker-bid-00122089 256 comments
- Jim Jordan has a plan to avert a shutdown if he becomes House speaker. Will it work? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jim-jordan-plan-avert-shutdown-becomes-house-speaker-rcna120623 61 comments
- As House debt ceiling vote nears, Biden shores up Democrats and McCarthy scrambles for GOP support | AP News https://apnews.com/article/debt-limit-biden-mccarthy-house-votes-9375cce9b7526b2d0a5728f8d4a18a0a 22 comments
- Matt Gaetz files resolution to oust McCarthy as speaker | AP News https://apnews.com/article/kevin-mccarthy-matt-gaetz-speaker-vacate-congress-e7e5ccc6cf79ccbf5b4a7b73b9d5a3ae 22 comments
- Speaker fight: Jim Jordan faces uphill climb as House chaos drags on | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/16/politics/house-speaker-fight-jim-jordan/index.html 20 comments
- Live updates on House speaker race: Steve Scalise withdraws after postponed vote - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/10/12/house-speaker-vote/ 12 comments
- Trump endorses Jim Jordan for House speaker | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/05/politics/trump-considering-capitol-hill-visit-speaker/index.html 5 comments
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