Hacker News
- Binder – Turn a Git repo into a collection of interactive notebooks https://mybinder.org/ 25 comments
- Binder: Turn a GitHub repo into a collection of interactive notebooks http://mybinder.org 2 comments
- Turn a Git repo into a collection of interactive notebooks https://mybinder.org/ 3 comments programming
Linking pages
- PEP 622 – Structural Pattern Matching | peps.python.org https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0622/#case-clauses 175 comments
- GitHub - norvig/pytudes: Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills. https://github.com/norvig/pytudes 157 comments
- Jupyter receives the ACM Software System Award | by Project Jupyter | Jupyter Blog https://blog.jupyter.org/jupyter-receives-the-acm-software-system-award-d433b0dfe3a2 137 comments
- Interactive Workflows for C++ with Jupyter | by QuantStack | Jupyter Blog https://blog.jupyter.org/interactive-workflows-for-c-with-jupyter-fe9b54227d92 115 comments
- Announcing .NET Jupyter Notebooks - Scott Hanselman's Blog https://www.hanselman.com/blog/AnnouncingNETJupyterNotebooks.aspx 94 comments
- GitHub - ripienaar/free-for-dev: A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev https://github.com/ripienaar/free-for-dev 81 comments
- GitHub - Ly0n/awesome-robotic-tooling: Tooling for professional robotic development in C++ and Python with a touch of ROS, autonomous driving and aerospace https://github.com/Ly0n/awesome-robotic-tooling 54 comments
- GitHub - trekhleb/homemade-machine-learning: 🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained https://github.com/trekhleb/homemade-machine-learning 50 comments
- GitHub - mitmath/julia-mit: Tutorials and information on the Julia language for MIT numerical-computation courses. https://github.com/stevengj/julia-mit/ 50 comments
- Interactive Go programming with Jupyter | by Yu Watanabe | Medium https://medium.com/@yunabe/interactive-go-programming-with-jupyter-93fbf089aff1 48 comments
- GitHub - dive-into-machine-learning/dive-into-machine-learning: Free ways to dive into machine learning with Python and Jupyter Notebook. Notebooks, courses, and other links. (First posted in 2016.) https://github.com/hangtwenty/dive-into-machine-learning 39 comments
- The Fuzzing Book https://www.fuzzingbook.org/ 27 comments
- GitHub - jamesdbrock/replace-megaparsec: Stream editing with Haskell Megaparsec parsers https://github.com/jamesdbrock/replace-megaparsec 24 comments
- The Githubification of InfoSec. Towards a more open, contributor… | by John Lambert | Medium https://medium.com/@johnlatwc/the-githubification-of-infosec-afbdbfaad1d1 24 comments
- How to use Jupyter Notebooks in 2020 (Part 2: Ecosystem growth) https://ljvmiranda921.github.io/notebook/2020/03/16/jupyter-notebooks-in-2020-part-2/ 21 comments
- GitHub - mapio/GraphvizAnim: A tool to create animated graph visualizations, based on graphviz. https://github.com/mapio/GraphvizAnim 18 comments
- PEP 635 – Structural Pattern Matching: Motivation and Rationale | peps.python.org https://peps.python.org/pep-0635/ 16 comments
- A new Python kernel for Jupyter. Project Jupyter aims at providing a… | by Martin Renou | Jupyter Blog https://blog.jupyter.org/a-new-python-kernel-for-jupyter-fcdf211e30a8 15 comments
- Automated reports with Jupyter Notebooks (using Jupytext and Papermill) | by CFM Tech | CFM Insights | Medium https://medium.com/capital-fund-management/automated-reports-with-jupyter-notebooks-using-jupytext-and-papermill-619e60c37330 15 comments
- GitHub - openvinotoolkit/openvino_notebooks: 📚 Jupyter notebook tutorials for OpenVINO™ https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/openvino_notebooks 14 comments