Hacker News
- Use spacer components instead of CSS margins (2020) https://mxstbr.com/thoughts/margin/ 217 comments
- Margin considered harmful https://mxstbr.com/thoughts/margin 123 comments
Linking pages
- Thoughts on Clojure UI framework @ tonsky.me https://tonsky.me/blog/clojure-ui/ 155 comments
- Bringing Spacer GIFs Back, to handle spacing elements in React and CSS https://www.joshwcomeau.com/react/modern-spacer-gif/ 50 comments
- The Rules of Margin Collapse • Josh W. Comeau https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/rules-of-margin-collapse/ 48 comments
- styled-components best practices https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/styled-components/ 37 comments
- They Say: Do Not Use Margins in CSS. How I use them anyway. | by Oliver Wolf | Medium https://wolfoliver.medium.com/do-not-use-margins-in-css-really-bede799ac422 23 comments
- GitHub - mobily/stacks: ⚡ A set of useful components to help you build and maintain React Native (Web too) layouts with ease. https://github.com/mobily/stacks 17 comments
- Modern Techniques for Writing Better CSS | Aleksandr Hovhannisyan https://www.aleksandrhovhannisyan.com/blog/writing-better-css/ 14 comments
- Notes on maintaining an internal React component library | Gabe's blog https://www.gabe.pizza/notes-on-component-libraries/ 8 comments
- This Week In React #97: React vs Solid, Headless Components, FS-structure, Remotion, Gatsby, React-Native, Expo, Skia, Vitest, Socket, Interop 2022... | Revue https://www.getrevue.co/profile/thisweekinreact/issues/this-week-in-react-97-react-vs-solid-headless-components-fs-structure-remotion-gatsby-react-native-expo-skia-vitest-socket-interop-2022-1065004 1 comment
- GitHub - GarbageMountain/turbo-props: A Post-it® sized wrapper around styled-components to turbo charge your workflow. https://github.com/GarbageMountain/turbo-props 1 comment
- Component Spacing in a Design System | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks https://css-tricks.com/component-spacing-design-system/ 0 comments
- The gap problem | Chase McCoy https://chasem.co/2020/04/gap-problem 0 comments
- They Say: Do Not Use Margins in CSS. How I use them anyway. | by Oliver Wolf | Medium https://linkedrecords.com/do-not-use-margins-in-css-really-bede799ac422 0 comments
- No Outer margin | Kyle Shevlin https://kyleshevlin.com/no-outer-margin/ 0 comments
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