Hacker News
- Nunjucks – A rich and powerful templating language for JavaScript by Mozilla http://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/ 43 comments
- is this a correct way to send data to a template engine? https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/ 8 comments node
- Nunjucks: Jinja2 Inspired Templating Language http://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/ 4 comments node
- Nunjucks: A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired) http://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/ 8 comments javascript
Linking pages
- I made JSX for Lua (because I hate static sites) | Ben Visness https://bvisness.me/luax/ 133 comments
- HTML Whitespace is Broken - Devel without a Cause https://blog.dwac.dev/posts/html-whitespace/ 89 comments
- GitHub - aliyr/Nodejs-Developer-Roadmap: A Developer Roadmap to becoming a Node.js developer in 2019 https://github.com/aliyr/Nodejs-Developer-Roadmap 85 comments
- The Simplest Ways to Handle HTML Includes | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks https://css-tricks.com/the-simplest-ways-to-handle-html-includes/ 37 comments
- GitHub - howardroark/pollinate: Template your base files and generate new projects from Git(Hub). https://github.com/everysquare/pollinate 36 comments
- GitHub - danburzo/percollate: A command-line tool to turn web pages into readable PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdown docs. https://github.com/danburzo/percollate 32 comments
- htmx-extensions/src/client-side-templates at main · bigskysoftware/htmx-extensions · GitHub https://github.com/bigskysoftware/htmx-extensions/blob/main/src/client-side-templates/ 32 comments
- Apostrophe 3 Major Release https://apostrophecms.com/blog/announcing-apostrophe-3-alpha 26 comments
- GitHub - ecaron/smart-nightlight-manager: My in-network Node app for controlling my kids' nightlights (like Hue or FastLED) via website or IoT buttons https://github.com/ecaron/smart-nightlight-manager 23 comments
- Two experiences with Elm - lukeplant.me.uk https://lukeplant.me.uk/blog/posts/two-experiences-with-elm/ 21 comments
- Building a Simple CRUD app with Node, Express, and MongoDB | Zell Liew https://zellwk.com/blog/crud-express-mongodb 16 comments
- The benefits of migrating GOV.UK Pay’s codebase to the GOV.UK Design System - Technology in government https://gdstechnology.blog.gov.uk/2018/12/21/the-benefits-of-migrating-gov-uk-pays-codebase-to-the-gov-uk-design-system/ 10 comments
- GitHub - crh3675/nodeii: Sensible NodeJS Web Application Building (ExpressJS, SailsJS, Mongo, Waterline, Redis) https://github.com/crh3675/nodeii 7 comments
- One build tool to rule them all—Blendid! | Viget https://www.viget.com/articles/blendid 7 comments
- Getting started with Eleventy in 11 minutes - DEV Community https://dev.to/loige/getting-started-with-eleventy-in-11-minutes-496j 7 comments
- Humble-Server. nodejs framework that provide… | by Stephen Kingsley | Medium https://medium.com/@stephenkingsley/humble-server-e9e4e52102f8 6 comments
- Inker, transactional & marketing email development workflow evolved http://www.position-absolute.com/articles/inker-email-creation-workflow-evolved/ 6 comments
- Build a Task List with Authentication Using SQL, Node.js and Adonis (Part 1) | Jscrambler Blog https://blog.jscrambler.com/build-a-task-list-with-authentication-using-sql-node-js-and-adonis-part-1/ 5 comments
- NgDoc: Documentation for Angular projects | by Alexander Skoropad | Feb, 2023 | Medium https://medium.com/@askoropad/ngdoc-documentation-for-angular-projects-3f6ea8fc22b0 5 comments
- GitHub - typpo/promptfoo: Evaluate and compare LLM outputs. Test prompt quality and catch regressions. https://github.com/typpo/promptfoo 5 comments
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