Hacker News
- Confirmed: CMU Attacked Tor, Was Subpoenaed by Feds https://motherboard.vice.com/read/carnegie-mellon-university-attacked-tor-was-subpoenaed-by-feds 160 comments
- Confirmed: Carnegie Mellon University Attacked Tor, Was Subpoenaed By Feds http://motherboard.vice.com/read/carnegie-mellon-university-attacked-tor-was-subpoenaed-by-feds 5 comments law , security
- Confirmed: Carnegie Mellon University Attacked Tor, Was Subpoenaed By Feds https://motherboard.vice.com/read/carnegie-mellon-university-attacked-tor-was-subpoenaed-by-feds 4 comments privacy
- Confirmed: Carnegie Mellon University Attacked Tor, Was Subpoenaed By Feds https://motherboard.vice.com/read/carnegie-mellon-university-attacked-tor-was-subpoenaed-by-feds 22 comments technology
Linking pages
- Judge confirms what many suspected: Feds hired CMU to break Tor | Ars Technica http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/02/judge-confirms-what-many-suspected-feds-hired-cmu-to-break-tor/ 571 comments
- US defence department funded Carnegie Mellon research to break Tor | Tor | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/25/us-defence-department-funding-carnegie-mellon-research-break-tor 4 comments
- The Possibility of a Better Internet: Tor, Smart Contracts, and MicroPayments | by ConsenSys | Medium https://medium.com/@ConsenSys/the-possibility-of-a-better-internet-tor-smart-contracts-and-micropayments-a8dd1b270abf 3 comments
- Spy-funded privacy tools (like Signal and Tor) are not going to protect you from the government https://yasha.substack.com/p/spy-funded-privacy-tools-like-signal 1 comment
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