- If you're mad about Cambridge Analytica taking data from Facebook you should be absolutely livid about AT&T and Verizon. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/wj7q4b/given-facebooks-privacy-backlash-why-arent-we-angrier-with-the-broadband-industry?utm_source=mbtwitter 251 comments politics
- Given Facebook’s Privacy Backlash, Why Aren’t We Angrier With the Broadband Industry? If you're mad about Cambridge Analytica taking data from Facebook you should be absolutely livid about AT&T and Verizon. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/wj7q4b/given-facebooks-privacy-backlash-why-arent-we-angrier-with-the-broadband-industry?utm_source=mbtwitter 10 comments technology
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