Hacker News
- Software Design for Flexibility https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/software-design-flexibility 39 comments
- Software Design for Flexibility https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/software-design-flexibility 6 comments book , compsci , lisp , programming
- Software Design for Flexibility https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/software-design-flexibility 8 comments lisp
- Software Design for Flexibility is out! https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/software-design-flexibility 18 comments clojure
- Software Design for Flexibility - How to Avoid Programming Yourself into a Corner https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/software-design-flexibility 8 comments scheme
- Software Design for Flexibility https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/software-design-flexibility 9 comments scheme
Linking pages
- Holy on Dev: What is simplicity in programming and why does it matter? https://blog.jakubholy.net/2021/simplicity/ 59 comments
- Illustrating the duality of closures and objects - DEV Community https://dev.to/yonkeltron/illustrating-the-duality-of-closures-and-objects-2nfm 28 comments
- GitHub - pangloss/pattern: Pattern lets you transform data structures in amazing ways. https://github.com/pangloss/pattern 8 comments
- Holy on Dev: Specific vs. general: Which is better? https://blog.jakubholy.net/2021/specific-vs-general-cryogen/ 4 comments
- Organizing Clojure code with Functional Core, Imperative Shell | by Shantanu Kumar | Medium https://kumarshantanu.medium.com/organizing-clojure-code-with-functional-core-imperative-shell-2f2ee869faa2 3 comments
- Holy on Dev: What is simplicity in programming and why does it matter? https://blog.jakubholy.net/2021/simplicity/?s=09 1 comment
- Racket News - Issue 48 https://racket-news.com/2021/03/racket-news-issue-48.html 0 comments
- Deep Dive: Testing a Microservice Architecture with QA Environments | by Dan Hipschman | Open House | Medium https://medium.com/opendoor-labs/deep-dive-testing-a-microservice-architecture-with-qa-environments-cd338648c37b 0 comments
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