- What is the 'kubectl run' equivalent of this 'docker run' command? https://metallb.universe.tf/#backward-compatibility 7 comments kubernetes
- Anyone using metalLB on-prem? https://metallb.universe.tf 3 comments kubernetes
- Found MetalLB https://metallb.universe.tf/ 33 comments kubernetes
Linking pages
- Bare-metal Kubernetes with K3s https://blog.alexellis.io/bare-metal-kubernetes-with-k3s/ 133 comments
- cmacrae's blog https://cmacr.ae/post/2020-08-10-cloud-like-infra-at-home-part-1/ 73 comments
- Anatomy of my Kubernetes Cluster | Antonin Stefanutti https://ttt.io/anatomy-of-my-kubernetes-cluster 49 comments
- 🧪 Building a Home Lab with Raspberry Pis and k8s | safts | blog https://iamsafts.com/posts/homelab-intro/ 44 comments
- GitHub - zimmertr/Bootstrap-Kubernetes-with-QEMU: Bootstrap Kubernetes on Proxmox using QEMU, Ansible, and Debian https://github.com/zimmertr/Bootstrap-Kubernetes-with-QEMU 30 comments
- GitHub - ljfranklin/k8s-pi: A "production-ish" Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pi https://github.com/ljfranklin/k8s-pi 29 comments
- How to install Kubernetes on Raspberry PI | by Ralph Bergmann | Karlmax Berlin | Medium https://medium.com/@ralphbergmann/how-to-install-kubernetes-on-raspberry-pi-53b4ce300b58 26 comments
- A Primer: Accessing services in Kubernetes https://blog.alexellis.io/primer-accessing-kubernetes-services/ 18 comments
- GitHub - alexellis/awesome-baremetal: Bare-metal is awesome. Let's share our favourite tools. https://github.com/alexellis/awesome-baremetal 18 comments
- Bare-metal considerations - NGINX Ingress Controller https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/baremetal/#over-a-nodeport-service 15 comments
- GitHub - onedr0p/flux-cluster-template: Highly opinionated template for deploying a single Kubernetes (k3s) cluster with Ansible and Terraform backed by Flux, SOPS, GitHub Actions, Renovate and more! https://github.com/k8s-at-home/template-cluster-k3s 14 comments
- Self-hosting Kubernetes on your Raspberry Pi https://blog.alexellis.io/self-hosting-kubernetes-on-your-raspberry-pi/ 12 comments
- GitHub - kubernetes-sigs/external-dns: Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and others) for Kubernetes Ingresses and Services https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/external-dns 11 comments
- A Tour of Inlets - A Tunnel Built for the Cloud https://blog.zespre.com/inlets-the-cloud-native-tunnel.html 10 comments
- GitHub - kubealex/libvirt-k8s-provisioner: Automate your k8s installation https://github.com/kubealex/libvirt-k8s-provisioner 9 comments
- GitHub - saschagrunert/kubeflow-data-science-on-steroids: The blog post about Kubeflow, including all materials https://github.com/saschagrunert/kubeflow-data-science-on-steroids 9 comments
- Building an ARM Kubernetes Cluster | by Carlos Eduardo | ITNEXT https://medium.com/@carlosedp/building-an-arm-kubernetes-cluster-ef31032636f9 6 comments
- Using Velero for K8s Backup and Restore of CSI Volumes | Blah, Cloud https://blah.cloud/automation/using-velero-for-k8s-backup-and-restore-of-csi-volumes/ 5 comments
- GitHub - metallb/metallb: A network load-balancer implementation for Kubernetes using standard routing protocols https://github.com/google/metallb 5 comments
- Modular, Pure Layer 3 Network for Kubernetes: The Design - Kintone Engineering Blog https://blog.kintone.io/entry/neco/network-design 4 comments
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