Hacker News
Linking pages
- The simplicity of Prolog https://bitsandtheorems.com/the-simplicity-of-prolog/ 149 comments
- My 2023 C# Software Developer Tool List | Michael's Coding Spot https://michaelscodingspot.com/developer-tools/ 106 comments
- GitHub - rdmsr/cppdoc: C++ documentation generator https://github.com/rdmsr/cppdoc/ 41 comments
- GitHub - bkryza/clang-uml: Customizable automatic UML diagram generator for C++ based on Clang. https://github.com/bkryza/clang-uml 39 comments
- How can a single average developer be 10 times more productive than a 10-person team? https://bitbytebit.substack.com/p/how-can-a-single-average-developer 30 comments
- GitHub - mhersson/mpls: Markdown Preview Language Server https://github.com/mhersson/mpls 28 comments
- Visualize the flow of your application right within VS Code with Mermaid | by Tirthya Kamal Dasgupta | Feb, 2023 | Medium https://tirthyakamaldasgupta12.medium.com/visualize-the-flow-of-your-application-right-within-vs-code-with-mermaid-55e234ba4be0 23 comments
- In Defense of Crusty Old Swiss Army Knives // Zach Goldstein https://zachgoldstein.engineering/posts/crusty-knives/crusty-knives/ 17 comments
- Mermaid Chart, a Markdown-like tool for creating diagrams, raises $7.5M | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/20/mermaid-chart-a-markdown-like-tool-for-creating-diagrams-raises-5-5m/ 17 comments
- GitHub - 1943time/bluestone: A WYSIWYG Markdown editor, improve reading and editing experience. and generate your Markdown files into online documents in the easiest and fastest way. https://github.com/1943time/bluestone 17 comments
- GitHub - icehouse-ventures/laravel-mermaid: Simple Mermaid diagrams for Laravel applications using the Mermaid.js library. https://github.com/icehouse-ventures/laravel-mermaid 12 comments
- GitHub - mermaid-js/mermaid: Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid 6 comments
- GitHub - JBZoo/Csv-Blueprint: Automated CSV validation tool based on strict YAML schemas https://github.com/JBZoo/Csv-Blueprint 6 comments
- Mermaid preview using wxwidget browser · (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻ https://erick.navarro.io/blog/mermaid-preview-using-wxwidget-browser/ 6 comments
- srcbook/README.md at main · srcbookdev/srcbook · GitHub https://github.com/srcbookdev/srcbook/blob/main/README.md 6 comments
- GitHub - nsk90/kstatemachine: KStateMachine is a Kotlin DSL library for creating state machines and statecharts. https://github.com/nsk90/kstatemachine 4 comments
- GitFichas is Now Open Source 🎉 | Jessica Temporal https://jtemporal.com/gitfichas-is-now-open-source/ 4 comments
- Diagrams AI Can, and Cannot, Generate | Ilograph Blog https://www.ilograph.com/blog/posts/diagrams-ai-can-and-cannot-generate/ 3 comments
- GitHub - KStateMachine/kstatemachine: KStateMachine is a Kotlin DSL library for creating state machines and statecharts. https://github.com/KStateMachine/kstatemachine 2 comments
- GitHub - Fcmam5/nx-mermaid-grapher: Create Mermaid graphs for NX dependencies https://github.com/Fcmam5/nx-mermaid-grapher 1 comment
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Search whole site: site:mermaid.js.org
Search title: Mermaid | Diagramming and charting tool
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