- 27 project ideas for learning React with Rails https://medium.freecodecamp.com/every-time-you-build-a-to-do-list-app-a-puppy-dies-505b54637a5d#.k6456esg7 3 comments reactjs
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- Why Rails developers should learn React | by Hrishi Mittal | Statuscode | Medium https://medium.com/@hrishio/why-rails-developers-should-learn-react-5cd651eef6db 54 comments
- Is Vanilla JavaScript worth learning? Absolutely. https://medium.freecodecamp.org/is-vanilla-javascript-worth-learning-absolutely-c2c67140ac34 12 comments
- GitHub - JacobWylie/Web-Dev-Learning-Resources: Collection of my favorite web development resources for beginners and professionals alike. https://github.com/jacobwylie/web-dev-learning-resources 7 comments
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- Exist · Understand your behaviour. https://exist.io 132 comments
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- Active Admin | The administration framework for Ruby on Rails https://activeadmin.info/ 72 comments
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- The domain name reactd3.org is for sale https://reactd3.org 16 comments
- Email Delivery, API, Marketing Service | SendGrid http://www.sendgrid.com/ 10 comments
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- GitHub - sferik/twitter: A Ruby interface to the Twitter API. https://github.com/sferik/twitter 5 comments
- GitHub - rails/actioncable-examples: Action Cable Examples https://github.com/rails/actioncable-examples 5 comments
- React + Flux backed by Rails API - Part 1 | Fancy Pixel http://fancypixel.github.io/blog/2015/01/28/react-plus-flux-backed-by-rails-api/ 4 comments
- The Complete React on Rails Course | Learnetto https://learnetto.com/users/hrishio/courses/the-free-react-on-rails-5-course 1 comment
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