- How are we properly testing something if by mocking it's functionality we return set values So I'm really new to all this including testing. I'm wondering what is the point of mocking a software function. How does mocking work and why do we use it? https://medium.com/@rickhanlonii/understanding-jest-mocks-f0046c68e53c 6 comments coding
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- Production ready Node.js REST API Setup using TypeScript, PostgreSQL and Redis | by Alex Permiakov | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/production-ready-node-js-rest-apis-setup-using-typescript-postgresql-and-redis-a9525871407 42 comments
- Production ready Node.js REST API Setup using TypeScript, PostgreSQL and Redis | by Alex Permiakov | ITNEXT https://medium.com/@alex_permyakov/a9525871407 20 comments
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