- Last month in science https://medium.com/@prototyperspective/science-summary-for-last-month-c105c1b345e4 2 comments futurology
Linked pages
- Meat consumption must fall by at least 75% for sustainable consumption, says study https://phys.org/news/2022-04-meat-consumption-fall-sustainable.html 2644 comments
- Mushrooms communicate with each other using up to 50 ‘words’, scientist claims | Fungi | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/apr/06/fungi-electrical-impulses-human-language-study 1238 comments
- Human Cytomegalovirus mRNA-1647 Vaccine Candidate Elicits Potent and Broad Neutralization and Higher Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity Responses Than the gB/MF59 Vaccine | The Journal of Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic https://academic.oup.com/jid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/infdis/jiaa152/5814216?searchresult=1 239 comments
- Large Hadron Collider restarts | CERN https://home.cern/news/news/accelerators/large-hadron-collider-restarts 222 comments
- Language of fungi derived from their electrical spiking activity | Royal Society Open Science https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsos.211926?amp%3Butm_medium=referral&%3Butm_source=inshorts 181 comments
- https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk1781 152 comments
- Increased global integration in the brain after psilocybin therapy for depression | Nature Medicine https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01744-z 135 comments
- Psychedelic frees up depressed brain, study shows - BBC News https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61070591 93 comments
- Global heating risks most cataclysmic extinction of marine life in 250m years | Climate crisis | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/28/global-warming-risks-cataclysmic-mass-extinction-marine-life 72 comments
- Obesity drug achieves average weight loss of 24 kg in clinical trial | New Scientist https://www.newscientist.com/article/2318588-obesity-drug-achieves-average-weight-loss-of-24-kg-in-clinical-trial/ 47 comments
- One in five reptiles faces extinction in what would be a ‘devastating’ blow | Endangered species | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/27/one-in-five-reptiles-face-extinction-in-devastating-blow-to-biodiversity-aoe 17 comments
- Nearly half of people infected with COVID-19 experienced some 'long COVID' symptoms, study finds https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-04-people-infected-covid-experienced-covid.html 11 comments
- Mammals’ bodies outpaced their brains right after the dinosaurs died https://www.sciencenews.org/article/mammal-big-bodies-small-brains-dinosaur-extinction-fossils 5 comments
- A global reptile assessment highlights shared conservation needs of tetrapods | Nature https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04664-7 5 comments
- https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abe9039 0 comments
- New article outlines the characteristics of a 'longevity diet': Review of research in animals and humans to identify how nutrition affects aging and healthy lifespan -- ScienceDaily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/04/220428125433.htm 0 comments
- 'Robot scientist' Eve finds that less than one-third of scientific results are reproducible https://techxplore.com/news/2022-04-robot-scientist-eve-one-third-scientific.html 0 comments
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