- [P] Set-up Yolo-V5 distributed data-parallel multi GPU on AWS and Kubeflow https://medium.com/@sachinchandra/running-yolo-v5-with-ddp-on-aws-8a4f07a77cf 5 comments machinelearning
Linked pages
- Amazon EFS CSI driver - Amazon EKS https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/efs-csi.html 4 comments
- GitHub - netbookai/spawner: Mulit-Cloud infrastructure orchestrator for kubernetes first development. https://github.com/netbookai/spawner 0 comments
- GitHub - kubeflow/training-operator: Training operators on Kubernetes. https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator 0 comments
- https://cloud.netbook.ai/ 0 comments
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