- My learnings on creating a Ruby-based open-source Alexa skill https://medium.com/@balaji030698/my-learnings-on-creating-alexa-skill-using-ruby-77b4e632a1bf 3 comments ruby
Linked pages
- ngrok | API Gateway, IoT Device Gateway, Secure Tunnels for Containers, Apps & APIs https://ngrok.com 393 comments
- GitHub - phusion/traveling-ruby: Self-contained Ruby binaries that can run on any Linux distribution and any macOS machine. https://github.com/phusion/traveling-ruby 26 comments
- https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/scripting-languages-for-aws-lambda-running-php-ruby-and-go/ 6 comments
- GitHub - samsymons/RedditKit.rb: [Deprecated] A Ruby wrapper for the reddit API https://github.com/samsymons/redditkit.rb 5 comments
- Today I Learned (TIL) http://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned 3 comments
- GitHub - sjmog/ralyxa: A Ruby framework for interacting with Amazon Alexa. https://github.com/sjmog/ralyxa 0 comments
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