- You Cannot Create Software Without Bugs, Problems and Mistakes https://thehosk.medium.com/you-cannot-create-software-without-bugs-problems-and-mistakes-615b6540bc3f 63 comments programming
Linking pages
- All Developers Make Mistakes, Good Developers Don’t Make the Same Mistakes Twice | by Ben "The Hosk" Hosking | Dev Genius https://thehosk.medium.com/all-developers-make-mistakes-good-developers-dont-make-the-same-mistakes-twice-217274b9189b 8 comments
- Ego is the Enemy for Developers. Developers get your ego out of the way | by Ben "The Hosk" Hosking | JavaScript in Plain English https://thehosk.medium.com/ego-is-the-enemy-for-developers-e9a74587a07f 6 comments
- The Biggest Single Point of Failure are Developers | by Ben "The Hosk" Hosking | JavaScript in Plain English https://thehosk.medium.com/how-software-development-really-works-the-biggest-single-point-of-failure-are-developers-5a1f18f7a345 4 comments
- Most of the Time in Software Development, The World Doesn’t End | by Ben "The Hosk" Hosking | ITNEXT https://thehosk.medium.com/most-of-the-time-in-software-development-the-world-doesnt-end-c50240877916 2 comments
- A Developer’s CV Should Be a Page of Suffering | by Ben "The Hosk" Hosking | Dev Genius https://thehosk.medium.com/a-developers-cv-should-be-a-page-of-suffering-99a5b277a619 0 comments
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