- If Lightning was to become a trusted medium of exchange, it leads to the perverse scenario where it no longer requires a commodity base to make it work. This leads to a system of State currency [...] will not be Bitcoin, it will be a form of government exchanges and banks that swap account balances. https://medium.com/@craig_10243/lightning-is-malleable-steel-is-not-4e68bfdef31 7 comments btc
- The Lightning Network on top of Bitcoin is like a strangler fig tree. "The Lightning system itself becomes the token, leaving Bitcoin, Litecoin and all Blockchains as dead and hollow ghosts of their former state." https://medium.com/@craig_10243/lightning-is-malleable-steel-is-not-4e68bfdef31 50 comments btc
- "Without Malleability, the system can easily fragment into many coins ... removes one of the critical aspects of Bitcoin, scarcity" https://medium.com/@craig_10243/lightning-is-malleable-steel-is-not-4e68bfdef31 27 comments btc
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