Hacker News
- I no longer understand my PhD dissertation https://medium.com/@fjmubeen/ai-no-longer-understand-my-phd-dissertation-and-what-this-means-for-mathematics-education-1d40708f61c#.ysddlmlsa 271 comments
- I no longer understand my PhD dissertation https://medium.com/@fjmubeen/ai-no-longer-understand-my-phd-dissertation-and-what-this-means-for-mathematics-education-1d40708f61c 8 comments math
- I no longer understand my PhD dissertation (and what this means for Mathematics Education) https://medium.com/@fjmubeen/ai-no-longer-understand-my-phd-dissertation-and-what-this-means-for-mathematics-education-1d40708f61c#.yuhrj8ok5 120 comments math
Linking pages
- The Bitter Truth of Learning: it’s Tough, Unpleasant, and Often Pointless | Shubham Jain https://shubhamjain.co/2018/03/24/the-bitter-truth-of-learning-its-tough-unpleasant-and-often-pointless/?hn=1 80 comments
- How my supervisor saved my PhD — the Goldilocks principle for mathematics | by Junaid Mubeen | Student Voices https://medium.com/@fjmubeen/how-my-supervisor-saved-my-phd-the-goldilocks-principle-for-mathematics-2f90e44e7407#.qkyx1g4e9 24 comments
- Forget speed: why the tortoise will always prevail in mathematics | by Junaid Mubeen | Student Voices https://medium.com/@fjmubeen/forget-speed-why-the-tortoise-will-always-prevail-in-mathematics-a472737d94df 21 comments
- PhD to Product: Journey between two unknowns | by Junaid Mubeen | Medium https://medium.com/@fjmubeen/phd-to-product-journey-between-two-unknowns-f60cbff034e7#.u8fl88ros 0 comments
- My wife’s social science PhD is as confusing as my maths dissertation — do I have the high ground? | by Junaid Mubeen | Medium https://medium.com/@fjmubeen/my-wifes-social-science-phd-is-as-confusing-as-my-maths-dissertation-do-i-have-the-high-ground-460f6c3e6b51 0 comments
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