- CeFi markets are in a state of slump whereas the latter, DeFi continues to thrive and provides a much better source of passive income while allowing users to retain custody of their funds. YieldFarming is > bank interests (it gives out 0.25% in interest whereas the inflation itself is at 6%+) https://medium.com/onomy-protocol/bank-interest-vs-defi-yields-the-right-choice-for-savings-b7743b68ca0 3 comments ethereum
- Bank interest rates vs yield farming? The latter ofcource, bank interest rates don't even cover inflation and with DeFi you have custody of your funds, can withdraw at any given time, is more accessible and immune from settlement risks (i.e. relying that your bank will pay up). https://medium.com/onomy-protocol/bank-interest-vs-defi-yields-the-right-choice-for-savings-b7743b68ca0 3 comments ethereum
- Banks Vs DeFi Yielding: Weighing it down and the ultimate source of passive income https://medium.com/onomy-protocol/bank-interest-vs-defi-yields-the-right-choice-for-savings-b7743b68ca0 31 comments ethereum
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- CPI Home : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics https://www.bls.gov/cpi/ 498 comments
- Current US Inflation Rates: 2000-2024 https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/ 392 comments
- Compound https://compound.finance 31 comments
- Federal Funds Rate | Federal Reserve Fed Fund Rates https://www.bankrate.com/rates/interest-rates/federal-funds-rate.aspx 13 comments
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