- Google Brain’s new super fast and highly accurate AI: the Mixture of Experts Layer. https://medium.com/@thoszymkowiak/google-brains-new-super-fast-and-highly-accurate-ai-the-mixture-of-experts-layer-dd3972c25663#.97ra8vv0d 15 comments artificial
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- [1701.06538] Outrageously Large Neural Networks: The Sparsely-Gated Mixture-of-Experts Layer https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.06538 125 comments
- DeepMind just published a mind blowing paper: PathNet. | by Théo Szymkowiak | Medium https://medium.com/@thoszymkowiak/deepmind-just-published-a-mind-blowing-paper-pathnet-f72b1ed38d46#.pfu27wc4i 43 comments
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