- Why "mutation testing" is better than code coverage to evaluate unit tests, and my experience using it with the JVM https://medium.com/@s4n1ty/experimenting-with-mutation-testing-and-kotlin-b515d77e85b5#.cdmne62y4 37 comments programming
- Why "mutation testing" is better than code coverage to evaluate unit tests, and my experience using it with the JVM https://medium.com/@s4n1ty/experimenting-with-mutation-testing-and-kotlin-b515d77e85b5#.cdmne62y4 19 comments java
- Experimenting with “mutation testing” and Kotlin https://medium.com/@s4n1ty/experimenting-with-mutation-testing-and-kotlin-b515d77e85b5#.fie0atqp3 4 comments programming
Linked pages
- Kotlin Programming Language http://kotlinlang.org 254 comments
- PIT Mutation Testing https://pitest.org/ 53 comments
- GitHub - sanity/pairAdjacentViolators: A JVM implementation of the Pair Adjacent Violators algorithm for isotonic regression https://github.com/sanity/pairadjacentviolators 11 comments
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