Hacker News
- Kik's side of yesterday's story https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d#.rr0wqoy5f 12 comments
- KiK's Side of the breaking-the-internet story https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d#.95priw8ta 2 comments
- A discussion about the breaking of the Internet [KIK head of messenger] https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d#.ljlbfuyc0 2 comments
- A discussion about the breaking of the Internet https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d 121 comments
- A discussion about the breaking of the Internet https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d 5 comments javascript , law
- A discussion about the breaking of the Internet https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d#.9g8ux9g5t 2 comments culture , law
- Kik publicly responds to the npm / left-pad fiasco https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d#.nmqcex57i 4 comments opensource
- Kik's response to a discussion about the breaking of the Internet https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d#.qi6wsdv9p 99 comments webdev
- Official response from Kik https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d#.rv5x9r23t 324 comments javascript
- "KIK" side of the story on the recent issues with NPM and the un-un-publishing of a user package https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d 97 comments node
- "A discussion about the breaking of the Internet" - Mike Roberts, Head of Messenger @ Kik https://medium.com/@mproberts/a-discussion-about-the-breaking-of-the-internet-3d4d2a83aa4d#.edmjtps48 1321 comments programming
Linking pages
- The right to delete: how faker.js exposed the fragile nature of open source culture, again https://www.thegingerviking.com/the-right-to-delete-fakerjs-fragile-nature-open-source/ 609 comments
- GitHub - PayDevs/awful-oss-incidents: 🤬 A categorized list of incidents caused by unappreciated OSS maintainers or underfunded OSS projects. Feedback welcome! https://github.com/PayDevs/awful-oss-incidents 118 comments
- GitHub - ipmjs/ipmjs: Immutable Package Manager https://github.com/ipmjs/ipmjs#readme 8 comments
- One Man Deleted 11 Lines of Code From the Internet and Broke Hundreds of Apps https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/03/how-11-lines-of-code-broke-tons-sites.html 4 comments
- The earthquake in the JavaScript community http://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/article/the-earthquake-in-the-javascript-community 0 comments
- Timeline of Package Dependency Compromises 2011-2017 | Haukes Blog https://www.haukeluebbers.de/blog/2020-01-timeline-of-package-dependency-compromises/ 0 comments
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