Hacker News
- 10 services web developers should know https://medium.com/@julienvallini/10-services-to-ship-at-light-speed-%EF%B8%8F-154b576eb4f 8 comments
Linked pages
- Develop and deploy websites and apps in record time | Netlify https://www.netlify.com/ 74 comments
- Serverless: Develop & Monitor Apps On AWS Lambda https://serverless.com 70 comments
- Intercom: The complete AI-first customer service solution https://www.intercom.com 55 comments
- The platform to bring your best ideas to life | Contentful https://www.contentful.com/ 50 comments
- http://www.algolia.com/ 45 comments
- Zapier | Automation that moves you forward https://zapier.com 31 comments
- Chat API with pre-built UI and notifications included â TalkJS https://talkjs.com/ 26 comments
- Airtable | Create apps that perfectly fit your team's needs https://airtable.com/ 16 comments
- Image and Video Upload, Storage, Optimization and CDN https://cloudinary.com/ 10 comments
- Powerful form backend | Getform.io - Easy form endpoint https://getform.io/ 0 comments
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