- Upgrading a problematic PC - need help with what parts to buy https://medium.com/@hoffa/the-top-weekend-languages-according-to-githubs-code-6022ea2e33e8 19 comments rust
Linking pages
- 400,000 GitHub repositories, 1 billion files, 14 terabytes of code: Spaces or Tabs? | by Felipe Hoffa | Medium https://medium.com/@hoffa/400-000-github-repositories-1-billion-files-14-terabytes-of-code-spaces-or-tabs-7cfe0b5dd7fd 1806 comments
- The top GitHub projects per country | by Felipe Hoffa | Medium https://medium.com/@hoffa/the-top-github-projects-per-country-92c275e19409 1 comment
Linked pages
- What Programming Languages Are Used Most on Weekends? - Stack Overflow Blog http://stackoverflow.blog/2017/02/what-programming-languages-weekends/ 65 comments
- What countries have more open source developers per capita than the US? | by Felipe Hoffa | Medium https://medium.com/@hoffa/github-top-countries-201608-13f642493773#.cxteb211k 27 comments
- GH Archive http://www.githubarchive.org/ 19 comments
- All the open source code in GitHub now shared within BigQuery: Analyze all the code! | by Felipe Hoffa | Medium https://medium.com/@hoffa/github-on-bigquery-analyze-all-the-code-b3576fd2b150#.ucdsgkh9t 0 comments
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