Hacker News
- Mastodon 2.0: What's new since April https://medium.com/@Gargron/mastodon-2-0-e93d9d28dbb9 34 comments distributed , web
- Mastodon 2.0 released: What's new in the federated social network https://medium.com/@gargron/mastodon-2-0-e93d9d28dbb9 3 comments freesoftware
Linking pages
- Mastodon makes the internet feel like home again | The Outline https://theoutline.com/post/2689/mastodon-makes-the-internet-feel-like-home-again 129 comments
- Mastodon makes the internet feel like home again | The Outline https://theoutline.com/post/2689/mastodon-makes-the-internet-feel-like-home-again?zd=1&zi=rjumdqkj 7 comments