Hacker News
- https://material.io/ https://material.io/ 5 comments web_design
- Chrome 59: Material Design changes to Chrome Settings https://material.io/ 12 comments chrome
- Google just launched Material.io - a suite of resources for material design https://material.io/ 43 comments web_design
- Google just launched material.io https://material.io/ 113 comments webdev
Linking pages
- Dear JetBrains. Don't mess with your UI. https://neil.computer/notes/dear-jetbrains-dont-mess-with-your-ui/ 541 comments
- Flutter + Dart, or how to quickly build a mobile app without losing (too much of) your hair - Altkom Software https://altkomsoftware.pl/blog/flutter-dart-quickly-build-mobile-app-without-losing-much-hair/ 174 comments
- Design for Android | Android Developers http://developer.android.com/design/index.html 155 comments
- Stop using Material Design text fields! | Matsuko Friedland https://www.matsuko.ca/blog/stop-using-material-design-text-fields/ 136 comments
- The Self-taught UI/UX Designer Roadmap in 2021 | Bootcamp https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/the-self-taught-ui-ux-designer-roadmap-in-2021-aa0f5b62cecb 109 comments
- GitHub - bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers: Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers 102 comments
- How to not suck at design, a 5 minute guide for the non-designer. | by Marc Hemeon | Startup Grind | Medium https://medium.com/startup-grind/how-to-not-suck-at-design-a-5-minute-guide-for-the-non-designer-291efac43037 93 comments
- Angular 5.1 & More Now Available. We are pleased to announce version… | by Stephen Fluin | Angular Blog https://blog.angular.io/angular-5-1-more-now-available-27d372f5eb4e 40 comments
- GitHub - angular/components: Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular https://github.com/angular/components 39 comments
- GitHub - material-components/material-components-web: Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web 38 comments
- GitHub - dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev: A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development https://github.com/dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev 32 comments
- GitHub - rougier/nano-emacs: GNU Emacs / N Λ N O - Emacs made simple https://github.com/rougier/nano-emacs 31 comments
- GitHub - priyank-purohit/PostGUI: A React web application to query and share any PostgreSQL database. https://github.com/priyank-purohit/PostGUI 29 comments
- Thought Experiment: Flutter in Go · divan's blog https://divan.dev/posts/flutter_go/ 27 comments
- GitHub - andyholmes/gnome-shell-extension-mconnect: KDE Connect/MConnect integration for Gnome Shell https://github.com/andyholmes/gnome-shell-extension-mconnect/ 25 comments
- Thought Experiment: Flutter in Go · divan's blog https://divan.github.io/posts/flutter_go/ 22 comments
- What’s Revolutionary about Flutter | by Wm Leler | HackerNoon.com | Medium https://medium.com/@wmleler1/whats-revolutionary-about-flutter-946915b09514 18 comments
- Trending VueJS UI Component Libraries & Frameworks for 2023 https://themeselection.com/trending-vuejs-ui-component-libraries-frameworks/ 15 comments
- Why you should choose Angular for your next front-end project | by Sam Redmond | Medium https://medium.com/@sredmond/why-you-should-choose-angular-for-your-next-front-end-project-d4dffbae8b07 15 comments
- Should you use React Native to build your startup’s mobile app? | by Saar Berkovich | Snipe.gg | Medium https://medium.com/snipe-gg/should-you-use-react-native-to-build-your-startups-mobile-app-c0baf9f4d9ad 15 comments
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