- Trump on allowing Grand Princess cruise passengers to disembark: ‘I’d rather have them stay on, personally’ | ‘I don’t need to have the numbers [of confirmed U.S. coronavirus cases] double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault’ https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-on-allowing-grand-princess-cruise-passengers-to-disembark-id-rather-have-them-stay-on-personally-2020-03-07 73 comments politics
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- Chris Wallace's Trump interview: The 55 most shocking lines | CNN Politics https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/20/politics/donald-trump-chris-wallace-coronavirus/index.html 64 comments
- Trump Worries That More Coronavirus Testing Makes America Look Bad https://reason.com/2020/06/24/trump-worries-that-more-coronavirus-testing-makes-america-look-bad/ 32 comments
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