- For any ex-Apple-customers passing through after seeing the pricing announcements, here's a list of great Android and Windows alternatives for Apple's computer product lineup. https://madeby.google.com/phone/ 349 comments hardware
Linking pages
- One week with the Google Pixel. A couple of months ago, I published a… | by Elliot Jay Stocks | Medium https://medium.com/@elliotjaystocks/one-week-with-the-google-pixel-f43e6647906f#.jr69fc1jm 123 comments
- Surviving the New MacBook Pro | Brad Frost http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/surviving-the-new-macbook-pro/ 117 comments
- What I Learned about My iPhone After Switching to the Google Pixel + Subtraction.com https://www.subtraction.com/2016/12/14/switching-to-the-google-pixel/?amp%3Butm_campaign=feed%3A+subtraction+subtraction&%3Butm_medium=feed 77 comments
- Google vs Apple — The Smartphone Race is Over. And a new one begins… | by YML | Medium http://www.ymedialabs.com/google-vs-apple-smartphone-future/ 69 comments
- First Click: OK Google, why is iCloud storage so expensive? | The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2016/10/5/13171764/ok-google-why-is-icloud-storage-so-expensive 48 comments
- Everything Google Unveiled At Its October 4 Event | Digital Trends http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/google-hardware-2016-news/ 43 comments
- Introducing Pixel, our new phone made by Google https://blog.google/products/pixel/introducing-pixel-our-new-phone-made-google/ 3 comments
- What I Learned about My iPhone After Switching to the Google Pixel + Subtraction.com https://www.subtraction.com/2016/12/14/switching-to-the-google-pixel/ 1 comment
- Introducing Project Fi’s group plan https://blog.google/products/project-fi/introducing-project-fis-group-plan/ 0 comments
- A Holiday Gift Guide for Design and Tech Snobs | by Belinda Lanks | Magenta https://magenta.as/a-holiday-gift-guide-for-design-and-tech-snobs-945c56c33ce4#.c24i0w40s 0 comments
- The iPhone Unsung Sine Qua Non. by Jean-Louis Gassée | by Jean-Louis Gassée | Monday Note https://mondaynote.com/the-iphone-unsung-sine-qua-non-b3799acb6b47 0 comments
- Here’s the Google Pixel • TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2016/10/04/google-pixel/ 0 comments
- Google Unveils Pixel Phone, Smart Home Hub, and More at AI-Focused Event - MacRumors http://www.macrumors.com/2016/10/04/google-pixel-phone-event/ 0 comments
- A Designer’s Guide to Switching from iOS to Android | by Scott Murray | Prototypr https://blog.prototypr.io/a-designers-guide-to-switching-from-ios-to-android-c4c54fb03786 0 comments
- Challenge #4: Self-Driving Car Android Dashboard | by Oliver Cameron | Udacity Inc | Medium https://medium.com/udacity/challenge-4-self-driving-car-android-dashboard-83a2a5c8b29e#.obs1hbtsp 0 comments